Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Questions? We’ve all got them! Read some of the most frequently asked questions we hear. If you have more, give us a call at (931) 967-4232. Let us share chiropractic with you and how it can help.
Once I go to a chiropractor, will I have to go for the rest of my life?
In some offices, that may be the case. In our office every patient is given the option to choose between relief care, corrective care or wellness care. The amount of treatment you receive is dependent on what you choose.
Can chiropractic cure everything?
Chiropractic can treat all conditions dealing with the muscle, joint and nerves. Can it cure everything? No. No treatment can cure everything.
Will you suggest exercise or other things I can do at home?
Yes! Your involvement and how you take care of yourself outside of our office is important to your recovery.
Do you accept insurance?
Insurance companies vary in regards to how much or which aspects of chiropractic care they cover. Our office accepts all insurances, but not all insurances cover everything we do.
Will you refer me to a medical doctor?
Dr. Shull will refer you to a medical doctor; internist or surgeon when he feels it may be necessary.
If I have recently had back surgery, can I come for a chiropractic treatment?
Yes, you can. We’ll go over your medical history and come up with a care plan that will help you.
Why would I have my newborn or young child adjusted?
One of the most traumatic experiences the human body endures is the birthing process. It is an event full of trauma and stress applied to the newborn’s head and neck. Because a child at that age can’t tell you they’re experiencing pain, a chiropractic evaluation for newborns can prevent problems later.
“I treated my oldest son just three hours after his birth and have treated all four of my children at young ages and continue to do so.” We treat people from birth to the golden years.